2012 Revenue of some Big Data companies

The chart below is from Wikibon’s estimates1 of the 2012 revenue of some Big Data companies. Using d3 I drew a chart that shows 2012 revenue in millions, as well as the share of revenue derived from services, for a few select/startup companies:

(2012 Revenue of some data companies. Click HERE to enlarge)
  • The Big 3 Hadoop Vendors (Cloudera/MapR/Hortonworks): Combined revenue was $102M, with $61.6M coming from services. In particular Hortonworks relies exclusively (per Wikibon’s estimates) on revenue from Services. In comparison the percentage share of Services for Cloudera and MapR were 53% & 49%.
  • Business Intelligence (QlikTech/Tableau/Jaspersoft/Pentaho/Datameer/SiSense): Combined revenue was $531.2M, dwarfing the Hadoop vendors2. With market leaders QlikTech and Tableau unable to scale to massive data sets, startups like Datameer and Platfora are generating interest from the many companies already invested in Hadoop and HDFS.
  • Analytics (Splunk/Palantir/Revolution Analytics/Digital Reasoning): Combined revenue was $287M, with $94.2M coming from services.

  • (1) Methodology: “Regarding methodology, the Big Data market size, forecast, and related market-share data was determined based on extensive research of public revenue figures, media reports, interviews with vendors, venture capitalists and resellers regarding customer pipelines, product roadmaps, and feedback from the Wikibon community of IT practitioners. Many vendors were not able or willing to provide exact figures regarding their Big Data revenue, and because many of the vendors are privately held it was necessary for Wikibon to triangulate many types of information to determine our final figures. We also held extensive discussions with former employees of Big Data companies to further calibrate our models.”
    (2) Tableau alone generated more than the combined total revenue of the Big 3 Hadoop vendors.

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