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GenAI and LLMs: Insights from TikTok and KPMG

Subscribe • Previous Issues Generative AI: Insights from the Frontlines A recent survey of large enterprises reveals a significant shift towards in-house application development, driven by the rise of foundation models offering accessible APIs. This move away from reliance on external vendors for AI-driven solutions has major implications for the industry. For instance, companies that once relied on third-party chatbots and custom…

Taming the Unstructured Beast: Data Tools for Unleashing Generative AI

Subscribe • Previous Issues Is Your Data Strategy Ready for Generative AI? The deeper I explore Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs), the more I confront the complexities of integrating custom data to improve their performance. Whether it’s through fine-tuning or building retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems, the success of these applications hinges on our ability to harness the power…

Exploring the Efficient Frontier of LLMs

Subscribe • Previous Issues The Efficient Frontier of LLMs: Better, Faster, Cheaper Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, there has been an explosion of interest in large language models (LLMs), with numerous open-source and proprietary models entering the market. As competition intensifies, LLM providers are increasingly focusing on efficiency as a key differentiator to attract users and stay ahead of…

Navigating the Future of AI in the Creative Industries

Subscribe • Previous Issues The Impact of Text-to-Video Models on Video Production Sora is a large-scale AI system from OpenAI capable of generating high-fidelity videos up to a minute long using just text prompts. It employs neural networks (“diffusion transformer architecture”) to acquire a diverse range of video simulation capabilities that could profoundly impact the entertainment and video production industry. Sora’s capabilities…


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