Mining Time-series with Trillions of Points: Dynamic Time Warping at scale

Take a similarity measure that’s already well-known to researchers who work with time-series, and devise an algorithm to compute it efficiently at scale. Suddenly intractable problems become tractable, and Big Data mining applications that use the metric are within reach. The classification, clustering, and searching through time series have important applications in many domains. InContinue reading “Mining Time-series with Trillions of Points: Dynamic Time Warping at scale”

Seven Reasons I like Spark

[This post originally appeared on the O’Reilly Radar .] A large portion of this week’s Amp Camp at UC Berkeley, is devoted to an introduction to Spark – an open source, in-memory, cluster computing framework. After playing with Spark over the last month, I’ve come to consider it a key part of my big dataContinue reading “Seven Reasons I like Spark”